Preferred Suppliers

Are you looking for a supplier? Try our preferred suppliers

What does purchasing from a Preferred Supplier mean?

All Preferred Supplier Members have agreed to follow clear standards, which were set by ExerciseNZ in consultation with suppliers. The standards include behaviours that are encouraged (e.g. being honest in all dealings, only selling goods of a suitable commercial grade etc) as well as restricting certain behaviours (such as selling imported goods that do not have full local after sales support and service).

As an example Preferred Suppliers agree not to sell imported equipment unless there is full repair and warranty support readily available in New Zealand to members.  This is because there have been major issues in the past regarding after sales support and spare parts (in particular) parallel imported goods. One of the principal reasons of creating such a programme is that club owners and managers can be reassured that there are no assumptions that benefit the supplier.

When dealing with a Preferred Supplier, assumptions benefit the buyer!  For example when dealing with a Preferred Supplier, you can assume all commercial equipment has a 24 month warranty unless it is stated in writing prior to the purchase.  We are aware of a supplier that even attempted to change the warranty terms after the sale (unsurprisingly this organisation is not a Preferred Supplier!).

So whether you are choosing gym equipment, front desk software, a billing company, or wanting help with marketing or sales, choosing to deal with a Preferred Supplier means the supplier has agreed to meet industry standards, and “play by the rules”.

What is the Preferred Supplier Directory

This directory provides businesses operating in the health & fitness industry with a list of reputable suppliers. From exercise equipment and sun bed suppliers, through to IT software and education providers, ExerciseNZ has awarded the suppliers within this directory a Preferred Supplier status and therefore have been given the ‘thumbs up’ by your industry association and those we believe adopt the behaviour that the industry expects from a reputable supplier.

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If you are a supplier perhaps the most exciting program you may be interested in is the ExerciseNZ Preferred Supplier program. For details of membership to this program, please email