Best practice advice for exercise providers

Important; all of the resources on this page were written before New Zealand went into Level 4 lockdown. For an updated protocols on operating an exercise facility, visit the COVID-19 resources from ExerciseNZ and review our framework document.

A reminder, all ExerciseNZ’s members only resources are found in our members only section – by logging in.

General safety advice for exercise providers:

The information below is compiled from IHRSA, CDC and communications from the NZ Ministry of Health (we have been in direct communication with them in regards to best practices for exercise providers).

  1. Compulsory handwashing pre and post-workout and eating for members/clients and staff.  Washing should be with soap and water for 20 seconds and hands dried thoroughly.   Repeat often.
  2. Avoid touching your face while working out / working with clients
  3. Encourage use of non-shared equipment where feasible (eg yoga mats, boxing gloves)
  4. Compulsory use of non-shared towels on all shared equipment
  5. Provide cleaning products and wipes so that staff and members can regularly clean shared equipment such as weights, mats and machines.  Wipes should be disposable.
  6. Encourage physical distancing (1.5 metres). Where needed mandate rules to enforce this – eg: every second treadmill used, space out benches, limit numbers in classes during peak times. No touching of others.
  7. Keep accurate logs of members & staff visits. Should there be further COVID-19 cases the Ministry of Health or other authorities may request this. For those without swipe card access, consider a physical written log/guest book for all visitors including both date and times.
  8. Let everyone (staff and clients) know if they are experiencing any flu-like symptoms to stay home and follow MOH guidance.
  9. Sneeze or cough into elbows, provide disposable tissues (use once and throw away).
  10. Stay informed and up to date. Check out the latest information from the Ministry of Health regularly, as the situation rapidly changes.


Click on the image to the left for a pdf version of the above guidelines.

NB: This document is designed to be used with staff/contractors.  We are producing a members/clients version and this has been sent to all members/registered trainers/teachers.

See below for a clients/members version of this.

Shareable tools for your clients/members

Important: In this rapidly changing COVID-19 environment, please check back to use the most up to date version of any shareable resources.    If you’d like a copy of the video to share please email us. You may also share it directly from our ExerciseNZ FaceBook post.  You may share it as long as it is unedited other than adding an intro and/or exit slide if you wish.

Handout for clients for workout safety 

NB: This document is designed to be used with members/clients.
We also produce a free staff version (see above).

Click on the image to view a pixelated version of the file.

Members-only resources

We have produced and shared a business planning tool that identifies the various business risks, and the required planning for exercise facilities and exercise professionals in New Zealand.  It covers media planning, business planning & online delivery considerations.  A pixilated copy is below (if you are a member and have not received a copy, please contact us).