Background information on COVID-19 resources

Our COVID-19 resource pages are designed to support those who operate a business (either a facility or as an individual) that provide exercise options to the New Zealand public on how to do this safely within a COVID-19 environment. These pages will not repeat the general health guideline messages nor general information about COVID-19 except where these are specifically relevant to those who are exercising, or those providing exercise delivery in New Zealand. For this health-related information we choose to only link to the following three expert sources:

  • The New Zealand Ministry of Health (MOH)
  • The World Health Organisation (WHO)
  • The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) including their FAQs

We also base our exercise specific guidance on the following organisations, whom we work closely with:

We strongly recommend when sharing information to ONLY share information from reputable sources such as the NZ Ministry of Health (MOH).  Where any news or information source conflicts with the MOH, follow the advice and repeat the messaging from the MOH.