Who runs the Exercise Association of New Zealand
The Exercise Association of New Zealand (ExerciseNZ) is a non-profit representative organisation, operating under an incorporated society membership structure.
ExerciseNZ’s members are organisations that exist within the health/fitness/exercise industry. The majority of which are organisations that operate fitness/exercise facilities (such as fitness centres and health clubs). ExerciseNZ’s members are wide and diverse, and include commercial operators (e.g. Les Mills and Contours), non-profit organisations (e.g. YMCA) and local government council facilities.
ExerciseNZ has over 500 members, which represents approximately 80% of the industry. ExerciseNZ is governed by a board that is made up of elected representatives from the industry. Profiles of current board members can by clicking here.
International Partners
ExerciseNZ is the international liaison partner in New Zealand for IHRSA (International Health, Racquet & Sportsclub Association) and also has close ties with Fitness Australia. Members of ExerciseNZ also receive a Federation membership to IHRSA.
ExerciseNZ has an information sharing agreement in place with both organisations to ensure our partners are kept abreast of New Zealand issues, and just as importantly, members of ExerciseNZ are kept informed of international issues and trends.
From the CEO, Richard Beddie
I have had the pleasure of working with the team at ExerciseNZ for over 5 years now, and during that time I have seen many changes come and go, both as a fitness centre owner and manager and also in my capacity within ExerciseNZ at an industry level. What has remained consistent is that the issues that most fitness centres face are very similar and in discussions with others outside my centre, it is always nice to know “you are not alone”.
Let’s face it, even the biggest Fitness Centre in New Zealand is, on the scale of things, a “small business”. As such we face the challenges of marketing, human resources, staff motivation, lease negotiations, legal issues, not to mention keeping up sales alone, without the support of a large parent company. Now, of course, that is not to say that being big is better, far from it, but the fact is in many ways fitness centres feel isolated as “stand-alone entities”.
As a member of ExerciseNZ, you needn’t feel like that. Be it information on Health & Saftey or childcare regulations, advice on insurance or simply sharing a marketing idea, ExerciseNZ can help, with a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience (the Executive alone has over 50 years of combined experience in the health and fitness industry).
We are here for you, and by joining us you give ExerciseNZ the ability to deal with industry-related issues, so that that you can concentrate on what you do best …. running a fitness centre.
Richard Beddie, CEO FitnessNZ